- Commissioning
- FEM – Finite Element Method
- Gas Compressor Units Dynamic Analysis
- Metallic Structures Design
- Mining Structures Design
- Piping Flexibility Analysis
- Sea Waves Energies Analysis in Ships and Offshore Structures
- Solids Handling
- Steel Reinforced Concrete Design
- Stress and Fatigue Analysis
- Structure Dynamic Design
- Vibration Analysis in Structures and Equipment
- Vibration and Noise Measurement
- Wind and Seismic Analysis
Contact Us
- 55 11 2453-5592
- Rua Morás, 424 - Pq. Santo Antonio CEP: 07062-071 - Guarulhos/SP
Vibration Analysis in Structures and Equipment)

The vibrational study are one of the most important analysis to me made in structures and equipments, with the correct vibrational level we can improve structures and equipments lifetime, and also reducing fatigues and increasing equipments performance.
– Our study consider the human comfort also, keeping the vibrational levels below 0,30mm/s, reference value to standards of comfort and healthy working environments in vibrational levels.
– Some important values to maximum vibration levels